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English help offered

Alvin: I am a native english speaker and I am offering my help to anyone who needs it. My name is Alvin and I am from Chicago, Il. My wife is russian and she is often posting on this site, so I decided join in. I am available, if you need practice or need questions answered.

Ответов - 57 новых, стр: 1 2 All

Lavida: Alvin

Alvin: Lavida what's up, babygirl

Давида: Alvin, wellcome to our site. Living in Korea I had forgotten my english skills, cause i should to in korean all time. Thank you for your offering...

rich4505: Давида пишет: I had forgotten my english You are right , my english is getting poor day by dayand hour by hour . It'll be good to do practice with native english speaker . Thanks for your offer Alvin

Alvin: Давида пишет: Living in Korea I had forgotten my english skills If you have IMPROVED your english, you would use "had". It indicates a PRIOR/ past condition. If your english is CURRENTLY bad, you should use "have". It indicates your CURRENT/ present condition.

Luna: Alvin it's really fine to practice English with native speaker. You are wellcome!

Alvin: Давида пишет: Alvin, wellcome to our site Luna пишет: You are wellcome! Thank you. I am pleased by your warm reception. I will be in and out, but keep sending me your posts.

i2gor: It will be great if we could practice not only grammar, but also speak-listen English too :)

Alvin: i2gor пишет: be great if we could practice not only grammar, but also speak-listen English too :) Talking is good, but I have been told that I talk too much.. My wife often tells me "shut up mutherf***er!!" And I tell her to get laid....

Давида: Two years ago i couldn't imagine that i can't speak english, i mean i feel confuse talking in english with native speaker.

Seoul: Давида пишет: Two years ago i couldn't imagine that i can't speak english а не могли бы вы перевести эту фразу на русский? Спасибо

Alvin: -9Давида пишет: Two years ago i couldn't imagine that i can't speak english That sounds strange, but at times when english sounds correct it is incorrect. Are you saying that your english has gotten worse or better?? You mean: Two years ago, I couldn't have imagined that I would have forgotten how to speak english.

Seoul: Dude!! don't be confused

Seoul: а может быть Two years ago i couldn't imagine i will ever be able to speak english!?

Aigo: Seoul пишет: Давида пишет: цитата: Two years ago i couldn't imagine that i can't speak english а не могли бы вы перевести эту фразу на русский? Спасибо Seoul пишет: а может быть Two years ago i couldn't imagine i will ever be able to speak english!? В 1-м случае, как я понимаю, хотели сказать: "2 года назад я даже не мог представить, что не смогу говорить по-английски". Вероятно, раньше автор данных строк хорошо знал английский, но за годы жизни в Корее подзабыл его. Во 2-м случае, говорится: "2 года назад я даже представить не мог, что когда-нибудь смогу говорить по-английски". 2 разных по смыслу предложения.

Seoul: Aigo пишет: "2 года назад я даже не мог представить, что не смогу говорить по-английски". думаю, что человек по логике вещей хотел сказать следующее: "2 года назад я представить себе не мог, что смогу говорить по-английски ( иначе nonsense) в таком случае: Two years ago i couldn't imagine i will ever be able to speak english!

Aigo: Давида пишет: Two years ago i couldn't imagine that i can't speak english, i mean i feel confuse talking in english with native speaker. "Two years ago I couldn't imagine that I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO speak English..." Seoul пишет: а может быть Two years ago i couldn't imagine i will ever be able to speak english!? "Two years ago I couldn't imagine I WOULD ever be able to speak english."

Aigo: Alvin пишет: My wife is russian and she is often posting on this site, so I decided join in. "...I decided TO join in."

Alvin: Aigo пишет: "...I decided TO join in." Well, no one is perfect.... SORRY...

Давида: Ого, я смотрю курсы английского языка, уже начались... Aigo, вы меня правильно поняли...Раньше я владела языком, но подзабыла. Спасибо!

мальва: Hello Alvin! Glad to meet you... Hello everybody! I also wanna practice my English skills and join you. As I know American English often have no rules nowdays during simple conversation. So it will be better forget about grammer and start understanding each other without grammer rules. It's only my thinking... and don't use russian if you really wanna practice.

Alvin: мальва пишет: Hello Alvin! Glad to meet you... Hello everybody! I also wanna practice my English skills and join you. As I know American English often have no rules nowdays during simple conversation. So it will be better forget about grammer and start understanding each other without grammer rules. It's only my thinking... and don't use russian if you really wanna practice. The rules of any language should always be followed. It is the only way to ensure that you are understood. Slangs are good during friendly conversations with peers and close friends, but should never be over used. Always say what you mean, and mean what you say..

Andre-W: Alvin пишет: Always say what you mean, and mean what you say..

Alvin: Andre-W Well, maybe we can't always say what we mean....

Andre-W: Alvin пишет: Well, maybe we can't always say what we mean.... Without extreme measures

Lavida: Andre-W пишет: Without extreme measures На мой вздляд человек сказал Always say what you mean... А не Always say what you think...

мальва: Alvin пишет: Always say what you mean, and mean what you say.. I understood you. thank you. one of my friends who was graduated from The University of Texas always said to me that many of her american friends have no good grammer skills as she or even me. I was really surpriesed, because I never thought my skills is good. later I understood that it would be easy to talk with native english speaker not thinking about mistakes. I noticed, when I want to speak by rules I make many mistakes... some strange

Alvin: мальва пишет: I understood you. thank you. one of my friends who was graduated from The University of Texas always said to me that many of her american friends have no good grammer skills as she or even me. I was really surpriesed, because I never thought my skills is good. later I understood that it would be easy to talk with native english speaker not thinking about mistakes. I noticed, when I want to speak by rules I make many mistakes... some strange Most americans are in the habit of speaking in "slurs, slangs, and errors." When you follow the language rules it will not always sound correct, but it is better to use your skills effetively.

Alvin: Why is it so hard to understand a russian woman??

мальва: Alvin пишет: Why is it so hard to understand a russian woman?? not only you ask about it. men all over the world ask about it, even though woman is not russian. I advise you to live in Russia long time to understand all your problem in understanding your wife.

Alvin: мальва пишет: not only you ask about it. men all over the world ask about it, even though woman is not russian. I advise you to live in Russia long time to understand all your problem in understanding your wife. Thank you. I can't go to Russia at this time, but I would do anythig to love her better.

Давида: Alvin, thank you for correction. Aigo checked my mistakes, already. That is what I meant. "Two years ago I couldn't imagine that I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO speak English..."

rich4505: you guys are strong at english. I am afraid to post even a word

Lavida: rich4505 пишет: I am afraid to post even a word Так написал же,и просто слово.,а целое словосочетание!!!

rich4505: Lavida пишет: Так написал же,и просто слово.,а целое словосочетание!!! 10 раз праверил прежде чем отправить

Lavida: rich4505 пишет: 10 раз праверил

Seoul: Рич!!! В следующий раз не проверяйте, дайте Алвину проверить!! Let him do some extra job!!!

Lavida: Seoul пишет: Let him do some extra job!!! Ну вот,чел хотел пообщаться с русскими.,мож кому домашнюю работу по английскому сделать или еще чего...а вы тут прикалываться стали!!! Лучше мы с ним телек поваляемся посмотрим...

rich4505: Seoul пишет: Let him do some extra job!!! Arasayo!!!! From this moment I'll post my opinion without cheking

Lavida: rich4505 Let me answer... These are alternative forms of the past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Learnt is more common in British English, and learned in American English. There are a number of verbs of this type (burn, dream, kneel, lean, leap, spell, spill, spoil etc.). They are all irregular verbs, and this is a part of their irregularity...

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